
Showing posts from March, 2021

Irene's Stories

  Warnakulasuriya Juwanwarnage Aloysious Fernando By Irene Sriwardhana Although my father was not a teacher, he was an interesting character with different talents, that I am proud to write about. However I can categorise him a vocational teacher instead. My father was born in Katuneriya, in1914 as the only child in his family. He was 91 when he left us in 2005. His name is Warnakulasuriya Juwanwarnage Aloysious Fernando. Though he had few nicked names as "Aloy Baass" for some and "Aloy Iya" for others. For his workforce he was favourite "Baass Un-nahe" forever. No matter however they called him, for me, he was my beloved father. He started his education at Katuneria primary school from kindergarten to year 8. To be a teacher during that period one had to study, from year one to year 8 three times as the missionary schools were the established education system of the era. My father was very good in mathematics and he did his studies three times from ye